17. Student Declaration
I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above.
I give my consent to City College to release my name, date of birth, contact details and statistical information to the relevant State Government bodies for the purpose of auditing, regulation of training, obtaining feedback and as statistical information. I declare that the information I have provided is true and accurate in every detail. I have read the course information and fully understand the requirements of the course for which I am seeking enrolment. I agree to City College identifying and publishing my name and any of my images captured for promotional materials I understand that this agreement does not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the payment of Fees and Charges as specified on City College website. I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the Refund of Fees as specified in on City College website. I understand that failure to pay my tuition fees may result in my enrolment being cancelled and this may affect my student visa. I will immediately notify to City College of any changes to the information I have given in this application form.
I cannot change my education provider during the first six months of my course without a written confirmation of release from City College
PRIVACY :All enrolments are confirmed in writing before the course starts, giving details of the course start times and venue. In the unlikely event you do not receive confirmation of a course prior to the commencement date, please contact us immediately.
REFUND POLICY :Clients who withdraw from a course prior to the commencement of the course maybe entitled to a part refund. Refunds are provided on a sliding scale determined by the amount of notice you provide. For a full copy of the Refund Policy visit our website or contact us.
COLLECTION FEES :By signing this enrolment form you acknowledge that you will be liable for all collection fees and charges should non-payment of our invoice/s result in the matter being handed to our Debt Collection Agency